Oral Cancer Screenings Greater Jacksonville Florida Dentist

It never hurts to be proactive when it comes to your health, especially if you have a higher risk of oral cancer. Our Orange Park, FL, dentist recommends an oral cancer screening for patients as part of their regular checkups to catch possible symptoms before they worsen. The exam itself is quick, easy, and painless.

Here’s what you need to know about oral cancer screenings.

Oral Cancer Risk Factors

There are a variety of factors, both lifestyle and genetic, that can lead to the occurrence of oral cancer. Some have a higher chance of causing cancer than others but should be taken seriously regardless. If you are putting yourself at risk by engaging in certain habits, a change in your actions could decrease your likelihood of developing symptoms.

The following can increase your risk for oral cancer:

  • Use of tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, etc.)
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Family history
  • High sun exposure especially on the lips

What’s Involved in an Oral Cancer Screening

In general, oral cancer can be used to describe mouth, jaw, and tongue cancers. Because all of these areas can potentially be affected, our hygienists will examine your cheek lining, floor and roof of your mouth, gums, lips, tongue, and tonsils. If anything is found, we’ll report the findings to Dr. Marino.

A visual and physical examination is included in an oral cancer screening. By this we mean that we’ll both visually look for obvious signs of oral cancer in all areas mentioned above and physically touch the inside of your mouth with gloved hands to check for lumps or bumps. Your jaw and upper neck will also be felt for abnormalities.

Be Safe, Get Checked for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer affects approximately 54,000 people in the U.S. each year which is why our dentist serving Orange Park and Greater Jacksonville, FL, encourages patients to undergo a quick screening when they’re in for their checkup. To request an appointment for yourself or a family member, call Marino Family Dentistry today at (904) 269-2185.

Get Started Today

Feel free to contact us today regarding any questions and to schedule an appointment with our dentist serving Greater Jacksonville, FL. We look forward to helping you with all your dental needs.